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School News Front Page January 2025

Want to learn more about the latest initiatives and events shaping the Hawthorne School District and our schools? Check out this edition of School News.

School News Cover 9-2024

The new school year has begun and this edition of School News highlights the dedicated staff and high-quality programs that are available to support you and your children.


Various pictures of students from different district events

Let's celebrate the end to an incredible school year and honor our students, families, staff and community! In this edition of School News, reflect upon the accomplishments and successes experienced during the 2023-24 school year.

STEAM in Action

The Hawthorne School District's focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), featured in this edition of School News, highlights our commitment to preparing students for future opportunities.

Elected officials, HSD administration, and guests stand on stage behind blue ribbon.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, members of the HSD Board of Trustees, and state and county representatives attended the Maxine Waters Health and Dignity Center ribbon-cutting ceremony and community celebration. The event was held in partnership with Venice Family Clinic to honor the new health services that are being provided to HSD students at the York School clinic.
